Friday, March 25, 2016

Shunt Surgery! 10/6/15

Carson was also diagnosed with hydrocephalus. We had to keep a check on his head size at all times when we got home. I probably did it more then I should have, but I the worrier that I am checked all the time. Then I saw that he wasn't feeling very well and called the neurosurgeon's office right away, His nurse (who is so very awesome) told me he would probably want us to wait a few more days. Then a few minutes later she called back and said "well he wants to come up right away". So we got Noah from school and my mom came up to keep him. Noah again was so sad. Heart breaking to leave one to care for the other. We went start to the ER at Children's and from there got sent back to the NICU to wait for surgery. The wait there was so long and Carson couldn't eat but was so out of it he didn't care. We had a hard time trying to decided which way we wanted him to be shunted, one way could have almost kinda cured the hydro, the other was the safer more common way. We had the Chaplin come in and talk with us (Gordon is an awesome guy, if you ever are at Children's and need someone to talk to call Gordon!!!). We went down to surgery waiting area and Dr. Rozzelle came and said Carson's best option was a VP shunt, so he answered the tuff question for us. Then went back to get to work. Another long wait for us and another positive outcome. He did great again.  The last day we were there the hospital has the window cleaners dress up like super heroes and scale down the side of the hospital. I was like a little kid, it was so much fun. Finally we got to go home after 4 long days. Then we left the NICU for the last time. Sad to leave but happy to not be going back. Carson seemed to  feeling so much better, and Jenna ( Dr. Rozzelle's nurse) told us she thought Carson would be a 15 year shunt. Fingers crossed she is right!!!
                  The day we left for Children's
                                In the ER.
                        Right after surgery.
                      The view from the NICU.
                     Little smile. So relieved.
                           Super Heroes!!!
              From the family area in the NICU!

                          Headed HOME!
        Finally HOME for good!!         

Carson Terry Walker 08/18/15

When we got to Birmingham I really don't remember a lot, I didn't know it but my body was shutting down, but Carson need all the time he could get with the steroids for his lungs. I was sooo nervous to go to the OR I do remember that. The ladies in there were so awesome I didn't even feel the needle go in to my back, Then it was time to get that baby out and start his treatment plan. I was so so scared he wasn't going to be breathing. I just kept telling myself "one cry", I just need to hear "one cry". I cant lie I don't remember hearing it. All I heard the doctor say was he was breathing and looked great. They showed him to me and rushed him back. Josh went with him and I had get things finished up, but he was doing so well in fact they brought him back in so I could see him again. He was so handsome, and breathing, breathing on his own. I had to go to recover for an hour or so and I didn't think I would get to see him again till the next day. He had to go to Children's  and I was at UAB. Turned out they were a little behind and I got to go see him before they took him to the NICU. He was just so sweet and quiet. The next day he had his Encephalocele removed, another scary few hours. I got to hold him all the way down and we had a moment to tell him goodbye before they took him back. They told us he would be on oxygen when he got back to his room, but that little fighter didn't need it. The NICU nurses called him a "little rock star". The nurses were soo soo awesome. I can never thank them enough for all they did for us and for Carson. That weekend Noah finally got to meet his brother, and see his momma. I messed him so so much, and he missed me. The next day when he had to leave was rough. Thinking we would be there for 6 weeks I was heart broken because Noah was not with us. He got to come back the next weekend and stay a little longer and we had a good time. Then Monday Aug 31st, little Caron "Rockstar" Walker got to go home. Best day ever.
                                                    Josh with Carson after he was born.
                                              Me in recovery, thumbs up to feeling better!!
                                                                      My baby boy!

                                                              Cutest mad baby ever!!
First time I got to hold him.

                                                                         Right after Surgery.
                                                                  Daddy feeding him.
                                                                   The first meeting.
                                                        He was so excited to meet his brother.

                                                      FINALLY got to hold his little brother

                                            A few of the many awesome ladies in the NICU.
                                           We get to go home face!!!
                                                                       Headed home.
                                                Home Sweet Home. Happy Happy Happy.

Baby Two The Beginning

I found out I was pregnant right away. I had to wait and tell Josh till he got home from his school in TX. I was so excited and sick at the same time. I just couldn't wait. Then the sickness was worse and the other problems started. At one point I knew I had lost my baby. Then while my doctor was on spring break the other doctor on hand told me my baby had a problem. I then had to wait two weeks to get another ultrasound. He confirmed  there was a problem and we would have to go to Birmingham to a specialist. We also found out that "he" was a boy. He was diagnosed with an Encephalocele at 17 weeks, so much bad news in one appointment! Scarcest day of our lives! The doctors first recommendation was termination. NOT an option for either one of us. We wanted to give this baby a chance. Every appointment after that was a little better and a little more hope. The day we met with the Pediatric Neurosurgeon and his team I was a nervous wreck, but he was so hopeful I left with a smile thinking things could and would be Ok! I had the honor of having 3 beautiful baby showers that my families all had for me. Aug 15th was the one in AL and I was so tired and swollen I could enjoy it like I would have liked too, but it was wonderful and well put together! The next day I went to the store by myself and left my phone to charge. As I was going to check out I went blind in my right eye, I knew something was really, really wrong. I didn't have my phone so I checked out and rushed home. (right down the street and threw the neighborhood) When I got home I checked my blood pressure and it was crazy high. so I went and laid down and called my mom. Then a few hours later checked it again, still high. So at 11 something that night my mom drove me up to the ER and I went straight to L&D.